Well... technically it wasn't a return but a first trade.
Blog Master, Jedi Jeff sent a surprise my way just before the holidays. I didn't know what to expect before opening the fat little package. It wasn't ticking, so I gained a bit of comfort from that knowledge. The warm up cards on top of the stack were nice but left no inkling as to what may lay beneath them.
These cards hold some great shots! I love the intensity of Benoit's expression, looking nearly mad! Martinez appears to have a bat in his crack. Such an odd play. Pudge is one of my fave catchers. These are great additions to the PC. Then...there were these:
1992 Stadium Club |
I can't begin to count the cards I gave away years ago but they included a massive number of Stadium Club - all years! Of course now, it would be nice to have them but some kid, somewhere, is probably enjoying a little collection of his own. When I stopped collecting in 2002, I gave away hundreds of cards to different little collectors and sold quite a few of the nicer ones. I needed these subtle beauties!
2007 SP Legendary Cuts 2012 UD Baseball Heroes
2013 Archives 2005 UD Past Time Pennants |
Following Stadium Club is not always easy but The Jedi Master layed it on thick with some Old Guys, all new to their player collections! I am now in pursuit of the Past Time Pennants. Gorgeous card!
I enjoy collecting Negro Leagues players. Known as the black Lou Gehrig, Buck Leonard is one of 35 Negro League players in Cooperstown. I want to see Buck O'Neil in the Hall. He did so much to help his colleagues gain entry and had a more than respectable career in his own right.
Pretty shiny things are these - 2013 Cut to the Chase inserts from Topps. Harmon will look great in the binder!
1992 Whitehall Collection Ruthie! I'm surprised this card scanned so nicely. It's vibrantly colored!
Something old, something new. Love Nick in those classic threads on a 2014 Stadium Club! Now that's a uniform! 1973 Tigers team card in excellent condition and Cesar looking pretty sweet too, from 1971.
Jeff could've stopped right there, having already made a good first impression I was then Conlon-ized:
Classic photography, classic player names. Black and white simplicity. Bottomley with hat askew, looked like a fun-loving fellow in his day. Jay Hanna Dean, an all time pitching great - .644 career winning percentage HOFer. The Iron Horse - card back reads his amazing record of 2130 consecutive games played still stands.
Pepper, Schoolboy. Hoblitzel? What's a Hoblitzel? He was first baseman for the Red Sox and roomie to the Babe. He was Doc after baseball, becoming a dentist. Ol' Clarence Mitchell hit into an unassisted triple play in the 1920 World Series creating three Dodger outs.
Taking a moment to tell me how he really feels...
Got Milk? If not, pour yourself a glass and share some of my old and stale cereal...but do NOT spill it on these:
1976 |
WHOA JEFF! FAR OUT! I love the 1970s. Love everything about them, except war and possibly Nixon. These cards are phenomenal!
The 80s had its moments...a few are shown here, from 1983.
1977 1979
Just look at those colors! The 79 design is one of my faves from the Kellogg's issues, 1970-1983. I would love to complete these sets. Anything is possible, right? After all, Jedi Jeff did choose to bestow some greatness on me and I couldn't be more grateful!
A thank you package went out yesterday Jeff, though its contents can't compete with what you sent. I will keep saving those Southside boys for ya!