I'm a bit or big? behind sharing some fantastic trades. I'm ashamed.
Not my dog (who poops rainbows anyway)
All the Way to the Backstop's Marcus Pond sent a great package a few
weeks ago. Five or so weeks anyway. Please do not think I am unappreciative of your generosity Marcus!
There are two sets I dream of completing: 1972 and 1975 Topps. Mr. Pond sent several bright 75s urging me onward. I now have about 25 of the 660 cards I need. These 75s are sharp cards. My favorite color combos are green/purple, purple/pink, yellow/blue and
yellow/red. Here's a colorful batch of White Sox:
Of all these players, I'm most familiar with Jerry Hairston. His father was Sam Hairston. Jerry is the brother of Johnny and father of Jerry Jr. The Hairston family is one of only three families to have three generations play in the Majors. The Boones and Bells being the other two. If there are more, please educate me. I'd like to know.
* The back of Jerry's card reads: In 1971 Jerry led Midwest League 2nd basemen with 121 games, 260 put-outs, 333 assists and 77 double plays.
Jeter. He was the one, the only, Yankee I've followed since beginning my collections. His debut coincided with my first player collections. My other Yank collections include Berra, Mantle, DiMaggio, Ruth and Gehrig. Those were some mighty cleats to fill and Jeter did. He wore them well. So very young on the 93 UD. Twenty years later, the 2013 A&G. Marcus, I was quite surprised to find this sweet, condition sensitive Upper Deck card. Thank you! It looks pretty darn good!
Here's a couple more great Yanks, and two favorite Tigers:
The Fond Farewells inserts are excellent! I believe these are from 2014 Topps Update, featured above - Al Kaline. This may be a little set I'd like to assemble. Newhouser looks great on this 2013 A&G. 1954 #251 Mantle on The Lost Cards - 60 Years of Topps. Super gorgeous card! Unless someone here generously bestows the original upon me, reprints are what I'll own - and happily at that! The Sporting News graced early collectors with Ruth in 1916 on what is commonly considered his rookie card. Appearing as a pitcher in his itchy scratchy woolen Red Sox uni. The most slender-looking Babe I can recall seeing. This is a 2011 Topps CMG Reprint.
I seriously want this insert set!
Another player fave of mine is Cal. Featured below on 1992 Topps Gold Pre-Production Sample,
a 2012 A&G and the glorious yellow Bumble Bee 91 Fleer. This is a fun yellow set of cards. I am adding it to a list of cheap pick-ups. Want want want. Never enough. See shame photo above. I'm pathetic.
The newest PC addition is Jose Altuve. I only wished could watch him play more often. He's so much fun. Altuve enjoys the game. One minute he's on first, smiling and talking with his opponent. In the same minute, he suddenly appears on second base still smiling and talking. The second baseman isn't quite as gullible to the friendly Altuve, 2014 AL Batting Champ.
Marcus didn't forget the Tigers, new from the Update set. I like the All Star cards in this issue.
A few more Tigers, for good measure. |
Marcus included an auto'd mini from 2014 A&G - Diana Nyad. In 2013, the 64 year old gained international fame after swimming from Cuba to Key West, Florida without the aid of a shark cage. This was her fifth attempt. Man, that is determination! An incredible feat of athleticism. A very cool card to own. Thank you!
My shame is easing just a little. Marcus is a regular blogger and great trader, and very patient! Thanks again Mr. Pond!
My Pup, who knows NO shame
*Editor's note: My friend The Ump has informed me of another three generation MLB family, the Pitching Colemans. Joe Sr pitched for the As, Os, and Tigers from 1942-1955. Joe Jr pitched for the Senators, Tigers, Cubs, As, BJays, Giants and Pirates from 1965-1979. The youngest Coleman is Joe Jr's son, Casey. He is the first third generation pitcher in MLB history. Drafted by the Cubs, he recently signed a minor league deal with the Royals. Only time will tell if he too, pitches for the Tigers.