2018 keeps moving along with me running behind, grabbing at coattails. Why has this year been so hard on me? You stink '18! Back in March, I received a nice package of cardboard from the
cardboard jones-ing man himself, Steve Cornell. Steve is quite active in Twitterland and can also be found on
blogging on Wordpress.
There were too many cards for scanning. Selecting a few to share wasn't an easy task. I prefer easy. Not to say I'm lazy but the least I can do...usually means just that. Catchers dominated the package, adding some unique pieces to my collection.
The handsome and smiling face of Javy Lopez can be seen on these SGAs and BBC Magazine cards. Perfect for my Lopez collection! Lykes was the stadium hot dog supplier; Bryan another meat-maker.
I was big on Flair when it entered the market in 1993. It's still my favorite Flair issue. The rolling waves behind the rookie prospects were beautiful. 1994 wasn't the ocean but a watercolor tie-dyed background which worked for me...and it's always about me. If you forget, I'll remind you.
UPDATE THROWBACKS - the hideous design of 2015 steals nothing of the glory these cards possess! |
2017 TOPPS MANURELIC Heavy Duty Metal #/99
I like this, especially when gifted! |
A pocketful of Poseys! |
but not just any Posey - a SSP New Era Cap card!
2015 - Buster's a hitter! |
He entered the HOF a Met but Mike will always be a Dodger to me. He was one of my firsts the year I began collecting. We were both Rookies in 1993.
I've grown fond of Panini. They are logo-deprived through no mistake of their own. Unless you can say not outbidding Topps [aka paying off MLB] for rights, their fault. Golden Age is one of the best products Panini has given us. Behold the bread winner below:
2013 Golden Age Bread; 1983 Kelloggs |
Bread is a breakfast staple but so are cereals. Kelloggs gave us some lenticular goodness throughout the 70s and early 80s. Breakfast hasn't been the same without them.
2001 Topps Relic |
The tragic life of Ken Caminiti...his last days were sad ones. This is the first relic for my Cam PC! This card is greatly appreciated! I've also tried a few times, to pick up an auto but am always outbid.
Steve, thank you for this package of odd and sensational cards!